Jake Goulding

Rust on an Arduino Uno, Part 2

After my previous attempt, I started to think that the issues were caused by an inability to completely link the program. If that were the case, could we try to link in a different way?

Through a bit of trial and error, I was able to generate an object file:

rustc --target avr-atmel-none hello.rs --emit obj

Checking the disassembly of this file with objdump -d hello.o showed promise:

00000000 <main>:
   0:   0e 94 00 00     call    0     ; 0x0 <main>
   4:   08 95           ret

Disassembly of section .text._ZN4main10__rust_abiE:

00000000 <_ZN4main10__rust_abiE>:
   0:   8f ef           ldi r24, 0xFF ; 255
   2:   84 b9           out 0x04, r24 ; 4
   4:   00 c0           rjmp    .+0   ; 0x6 <LBB1_1>

00000006 <LBB1_1>:
   6:   8f ef           ldi r24, 0xFF ; 255
   8:   85 b9           out 0x05, r24 ; 5
   a:   80 e0           ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
   c:   85 b9           out 0x05, r24 ; 5
   e:   fb cf           rjmp    .-10  ; 0x6 <LBB1_1>

I then used an existing installation of GCC with AVR support to finish linking the code together:

avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega328p hello.o -o hello.elf

Taking a look at the disassembly of this code shows a lot of things that were not present in the original object file:

  1. The interrupt vector table is established. This occupies about the first 25 instructions. Each instruction is a jump to the appropriate interrupt handler. Most importantly, table index 0 is the reset “interrupt” which controls where the processor should jump to when it is initialized.
  2. The EEPROM Control Register and GPIOR0 are initialized and external interrupts are disabled. Then main is called.
  3. After main returns, interrupts are disabled and the chip goes into an infinite loop.

Getting code on board

Now that we have a compiled binary, we need to get it onto the Arduino proper. avrdude is an in-system programmer that will allow us to upload the compiled code, but it prefers input in a different format: Intel HEX. We can convert using avr-objcopy:

avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom hello.elf hello.hex

Now we can upload to the Arduino:

avrdude -p atmega328p -c arduino -P /dev/cu.usbmodem1411 -U flash:w:hello.hex:i

The Arduino Uno has a second Atmel chip (ATmega16U2) that looks like a USB-to-serial device to the host computer. On my OS X computer, that device shows up at /dev/cu.usbmodem1411. Your location will differ.

It’s alive!

Because I have such a basic level of code, I can’t do anything nice like blink an LED. Instead, I can write a tight loop that just turns the LED on or off some percentage of the time. This allows it to have a different relative brightness, which in turn lets me see that the code changes are actually happening.

Check out the LED marked L in the following pictures.

LED on 100% of the time

LED at 100%

LED on 50% of the time

LED at 50%

LED on 1% of the time

LED at 1%

What’s next?

This isn’t the most elegant of solutions, and there are a lot of avenues to explore:

  1. Avoid installing avr-gcc and avr-objcopy. Right now, avr-gcc is used when compiling Rust itself (for compiler-rt) and to finish assembly of the executable. It would be ideal if all of this could be handled within an AVR-enabled Rust or LLVM.

  2. Set interrupt handlers. I think the typical solution is to use a linker script, but that’s one more moving piece I’d like to avoid adding.

  3. Compile libcore! In order to get the most basic of things to compile, I had to straight-up copy code from libcore. An impressive amount of things are included there. Things you might want to use, like addition, not to mention Option or anything having to do with iterators. libstd is unlikely to ever be supported as it relies on memory allocation.

  4. Merge the Rust fork of LLVM with the AVR fork of LLVM. The more frequently these are merged, the easier it will be to eventually include the AVR support in Rust proper. I started to do this, but had a large number of merge conflicts so I backed off.

  5. Compile AVR-enabled Rust in non-debug mode. For some reason, when I compile Rust without debugging symbols, I get an “exciting” assertion failure from deep within LLVM. That is most likely a symptom of some problem that should be fixed.


Check out my repo for an example that worked for me. In short:

# Compile object
rustc --target avr-atmel-none -C target-cpu=atmega328p --emit=obj hello.rs -o hello.o
# Link together
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega328p hello.o -o hello.elf
# Reformat for upload
avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom hello.elf hello.hex
# Upload to the board
avrdude -p atmega328p -c arduino -P /dev/cu.usbmodem1411 -U flash:w:hello.hex:i

If you are on OS X, you can install the things you need (except an AVR-enabled Rust build) with homebrew:

brew tap osx-cross/avr
brew install avr-libc
brew install avrdude

Continue on to part 3.